Lowell Brueckner

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New Standards and Teachings


New Standards

Let me name a few practices, popular in our times and often found in the church, which are directly forbidden by the Scriptures:

1.      Strong drink… Proverbs 23:31 “Do not look at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup and goes down smoothly, In the end it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart utter perverse things. You will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea, like one who lies on the top of a mast.” They struck me,” you will say, “but I was not hurt; they beat me, but I did not feel it. When shall I awake? I must have another drink.” Godly wisdom describes here intoxicating wine, the hangover, delirium, confusion, sickness, numbness to pain, and lack of good sense experienced by the drinker, which ends by the onset of addiction. One of the most misunderstood issues concerns what the Bible teaches about wine, claiming that it gives license to moderate drinking. It doesn’t. An interpretation to any portion claimed by those who imbibe, contradicts this clear commandment to not even look at wine, when it is in an intoxicating state. The Bible doesn’t contradict itself. The word juice is only used once in the whole Bible, and most of the time, wine, especially new wine, means nothing more than grape juice. I understand, by those who have investigated, that processed wine in Bible times was so lightly fermented, that one could not hold enough in his stomach to become intoxicated.

Our son-in-law, daughter, and granddaughter were in an accident, in which the driver, who hit their car and was killed, had well below the legal limits of alcohol in his blood, but he had had just enough to sway his judgment. His wife and parents claimed that he was a good and cautious driver. A man told me of a friend of his, with whom he played chess. His friend would always beat him, unless he could persuade him to have a couple beers before the match.  That would be enough to dull his competitor’s mind and give him the edge.  


Pictorial of Our Trip to the USA


(click on photos for larger view)
 This beautiful swing was hand made by the congregation at Swanton Christian Church and given to Dan and Shelley during Pastor’s Appreciation month. I quickly adopted it for my breakfast and devotions in the mornings. This was taken on our first morning in Vermont. We had flown on July 22, Vigo-Madrid-Lisbon-Newark-Montreal. Dan met us and drove us across the border and home. Dan asked me to share in the adults’ class for Sunday School and in the morning meeting.

Traveling with Dan’s family to the Midwest via Canada, Upper Michigan Peninsula, across Wisconsin and into Elk River, Minnesota to visit Mike, Rachel and kids. Mike co-pastors in St. Michael at Connect Church. (St. Michael is not named after Mike). A great bunch met for a mid-week service and on Sunday morning the church was backed through the foyer to the back door. Our visit really wore Mike out… 
Not far below this article, I reported already on this blog about the two yard meetings in Finley and Aneta, ND, while we visited with Tom and Raquel and their children. Raquel reports that the unusual hunger for the Word of God continues there… something that is really astounding to me. From Finley, we drove over to Cass Lake, MN, and visited one of my boyhood homes from 1955-57, when my dad directed Mokahum, a Native American Bible school. Our son-in-law now teaches there and our daughter and her family live within 50 yards of our old home. I did 


The Lord’s Day


“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day”   Rev. 1:10

Early the first day of the week
Let me begin this study by sharing with you the observations of some that I consider the best commentators. I refer continually to their material. I want you to see the unanimity of their views on John’s statement on the Lord’s Day, which is quoted above. I provide this without an application or challenge. I prefer to leave it in your hands and to leave you in God’s hands concerning this subject.  

On the Lord’s day - The word rendered here as “Lord’s” (κυριακῇ  kuriakē), occurs only in this place and in 1Co_11:20, where it is applied to the Lord’s supper. It properly means “pertaining to the Lord”; and, so far as this word is concerned, it might mean a day “pertaining to the Lord,” in any sense, or for any reason; either because he claimed it as his own, and had set it apart for his own service, or because it was designed to commemorate some important event pertaining to him, or because it was observed in honor of him. It is clear:
(1)   That this refers to some day which was distinguished from all other days of the week, and which would be sufficiently designated by the use of this term.
(2)   that it was a day which was for some reason regarded as especially a day of the Lord, or especially devoted to him.
(3)   it would further appear that this was a day particularly devoted to the Lord Jesus; for: (a) that is the natural meaning of the word “Lord” as used in the New Testament; and (b) if the Jewish Sabbath were intended to be designated, the word “Sabbath” would have been used.