Charles Finney Autobiography 3
No one can read Charles Finney’s autobiography and doubt that his word pierced the hearts of those, to whom he spoke. It occurred in private conversation and it occurred when he preached. Finney attributed this power to his baptism in the Holy Spirit. Following my thoughts, is an example of him speaking to his employer and the interesting conversion of the man, which contains a bit of humor.
In this chapter, I wanted to insert
a couple accounts of the power of revival praying. There is a touch of humor,
as well, in the first account about the prayer of old Deacon Montague. But it
was also a demonstration of spiritual power, which stirred everyone present, as
well as the entire community. Montague was an old man, but the story that
follows concerns young people in prayer. I have learned that nothing satisfies
youth more that the reality of the movings of God. We also should observe that
the Lord uses young people, just as he uses the older ones. In fact, the Bible
teaches that He often called adolescents into His purposes and used them mightily.
Finney’s employer, Esquire Wright
This morning, of which I have spoken, I went down into the office and there I was having the renewal of these mighty waves of love and salvation flowing over me when Esq. Wright came into the office, where I studied law. I said a few words to him on the subject of his salvation--I do not recollect what. He looked at me with astonishment but made no reply whatever that I recollect. He dropped his head, and after standing a few minutes left the office. I thought no more of it then, but afterwards found that the remark I made pierced him like a sword, and he did not recover from it till he was converted.
Monday, January 06, 2025 | 0 Comments
Charles Finney Autobiography 2
As I read the autobiography of Charles Finney, there are not a few occasions, in which I discover his keen sense of humor. In these writings that I have selected from his first and fourth chapter, although they contain very serious faults in the ministry and in Christianity in New England in Finney´s day, they also contain humorous descriptions of the styles of preaching that he experienced. If I would dedicate this chapter to humor, I could go through the book and find a good number of stories richly humorous, but obviously that is not my purpose in presenting the ministry of Charles Finney. Perhaps, however, we might stumble upon other instances of humor, as we point to some of the most important and interesting stories of his life.
Charles Finney´s Pre-conversion Experience with
Saturday, December 21, 2024 | 0 Comments
Charles Finney Autobiography 1
In his book, Joy Unspeakable, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones refers three or four times to Charles Finney’s baptism in the Holy Spirit. I quote: “Take a man like (Charles) Finney. He was converted one day, the next day this happened to him. He knew nothing about it, he just found it happening to him…”
I believe that the original autobiography of Charles G. Finney was published in 1876, one year after his decease. I found a copy in my dad’s library, sometime in the early 1960’s, published by Revell in 1911 and still have it in my possession. I am going to post a few chapters on this blog, which I hope many will read. I first want to present his personal account of salvation and subsequent Baptism in the Holy Spirit from Chapter 2. I want to emphasize the fact that this was an experience claimed by many great men, used of God, many years before the Pentecostal Movement. It is contrary to today’s popular teaching that this Baptism occurs at conversion. Later, I also would like to give a sampling of Finney’s accounts of revivals in certain places and, perhaps, other experiences in his lifetime.
My Conversion to Christ
On a Sabbath evening just at
this time of my history, I made up my mind that I would settle the question of
my soul's salvation at once, that if it were possible I would make my peace
with God. But as I was very busy in the affairs of the office, I knew that
without great firmness of purpose I should never effectually attend to the
subject. I, therefore, then and there resolved, as far as possible, to avoid
all business and everything that would divert my attention, and to give myself
wholly to the work of securing the salvation of my soul. I carried this
resolution into execution as sternly and thoroughly as I could. I was, however,
obliged to be a good deal in the office. But as the providence of God would
have it, I was not much occupied either Monday or Tuesday, and had opportunity
to read my Bible and engage in prayer most of the time.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Coming Up in the Near Future
I have recently terminated my expositional comments on the Second Epistle of Peter, having previously posted Peter's first epistle, as well as the Epistle of James. These three, of course, are from the General Epistles. I have also commented on a number of other books of the Bible, including Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Hebrews, James and Revelation, along with a devotional book on the Psalms. I am considering leaving expositional Bible teaching for a while and a number of ideas are going through my mind.
I would like to bring up old articles from this blog, which I think are especially important. Today, I was reading an article on the Mukti revival in India. I would also like to form written articles from recent messages by our sons Mike, Daniel, and David. Perhaps I will also repeat some of their older messages, already posted here. At the moment, I am thinking of going to an old autobiography of Charles G. Finney, published in 1911, which now is out-of-print. I found it in my dad's library, sometime in the early 1960's and still have it in my possession, although the cover is torn off and a few of the first pages are missing. At that time, early in my ministry, a fire began to be kindled in my soul, that continues to burn today in this 21st Century. I plan to copy a few significant chapters in their entirety. I believe that you will find these on this blogspot in the very near future. I would also like to uncover the heart of Jonathan Goforth, who saw missionary revival in China.
Tuesday, December 03, 2024 | 0 Comments
One Day is as 1,000 Years
Ungodly human shortsightedness
2. that you may be mindful of
the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment
of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior,
3. knowing this first: that
scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own
4. and saying, "Where is
the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things
continue as they were from the beginning of creation."
5. For this they willfully
forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing
out of water and in the water,
6. by which the world that
then existed perished, being flooded with water.
7. But the heavens and the earth
which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until
the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8. But, beloved, do not forget
this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day.
9. The Lord is not slack
concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering
toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to
It seems proper that Peter should terminate his final contribution to the canon of Scripture by writing about the things of eternity. It is consistent with the Lord’s plan that the very last chapters in the Bible should take us into the new heavens and the new earth. The inspired word gives the account of this planet and the universe around it, from its creation to its destruction. After it tells human history, up to the time that the final despot and all God’s enemies have been judged, eternity is ushered in.
Saturday, November 16, 2024 | 0 Comments