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Lowell Brueckner

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New Role Models


For those, who haven't seen the following on Facebook, I present it here. It's about role models with false doctrines, who stand for family values and morality, but who cannot lead people to a living Christ who is the only one, who can produce those values in lives.

Some new role models for conservative "Christianity" are a Mormon candidate for president, a Seventh Day Adventist doctor, who spoke up to Obama at a prayer breakfast, and an author and pastor, and an extremely popular family on TV, who believe in baptismal regeneration (Church of Christ). Deception and total apostasy are coming in hard and fast. I can only hope that the people who are dearest to me will take notice. I don't hold a lot of hope that anything outside of genuine revival will change the general trend. Have you seen the movie "Time Changer" which warns of those who preach morality, but cannot present a divine and living Christ, without whom morality and family values can never produce better morality and family values? They simply lead to a lifeless, religious substitute that, in the end, leaves people more ungodly than ever.

A Hunger for the Word in North Dakota


A yard meeting in Finley, North Dakota
Awaiting the arrival of various members of our immediate family for a visit beginning Sunday, August 3... the families of Dan, Steve and Mike... Raquel (our daughter) and Tom announced a meeting that would take place in their backyard on Monday evening. To be honest with you, I didn't expect much of a response. My experience with spontaneous meetings, not supported by churches or organized groups, has been that they are seldom successful. 

You have to understand that we are talking about a village with about 600 inhabitants and that this entire area of North Dakota is sparcely populated. However, the people did respond and about 60 people attended.

More importantly, the way they reacted to the presentation was so positive. A widow of a former pastor of a church in Finley told me that the preaching reminded her of her late husband. One lady returned to her house very excited, determined to do the same thing for her vicinity... on their small buffalo and horse ranch. Her husband began to call neighbors and relatives. He invited them to an open air meeting, in which singers and a preacher, whom he'd never met, were going to take part (he was not in the Monday meeting).  He confessed that he'd never felt so out-of-control before, as he did in this situation. It happened that the Holy Spirit was in control. Last Saturday, again the people came. Something very special is happening! There are people who are hungry to hear the truth boldly proclaimed!

You Must Be Born Again! Part V


VI. The last Adam – (In this portion, I want to let the commentators speak to show that the New Creation takes place in and through Christ. As Adam was the first creation, Christ is the last, the progenitor of a higher position and quality of life for the human race. He lifted man above the place given to Adam in the beginning. God never goes backward, but continues His perfect purpose until He brings it to its fullness or maturity.)

Barnes…  The second Adam, or the “second man,” (1Co_15:47). That Christ is here intended is apparent, and has been usually admitted by commentators. Christ here seems to be called Adam because he stands in contradistinction from the first Adam; or because, as we derive our animal and dying nature from the one, so we derive our immortal and undying bodies from the other. From the one we derive an animal or vital existence; from the other we derive our immortal existence, and resurrection from the grave. The one stands at the head of all those who have an existence represented by the words, “a living soul;” the other of all those who shall have a spiritual body in heaven. He is called “the last Adam;” meaning that there shall be no other after him who shall affect the destiny of man in the same way, or who shall stand at the head of the race in a manner similar to what had been done by him and the first father of the human family. They sustain special relations to the race; and in this respect they were “the first” and “the last” in the special economy. The name “Adam” is not elsewhere given to the Messiah, though a comparison is several times instituted between him and Adam. (See the Supplementary Note on 1Co_15:22; also Rom_5:12, note.)